Theatrical Design

Beginning in theater as a youth, theatrical design has been an ever present passion for Tallie. Throughout the years she has been able to work in more practical aspects of design, but always returns to the whimsy, grandeur, and creativity of the stage.

As a theatrical designer, Tallie is highly proficient at creating a complete look from the top of the head, including hair and/or wig design, to make up design, and all the way down to the shoes. She accepts contracts for full design from head to toe or any portion thereof.

“Tallie has designed costumes, makeup, and wigs for many shows here at the Croswell; she has a great sense of style and her level of expertise has raised the bar for us. She's completely professional in her work and a hell of a lot of fun to work with!”

John MacNaughton, Creative Director, Croswell Opera House
Tallie Carter Design

Contact Tallie
Email or call to request a quote or schedule a consultation.
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